July 1, 2016

Keeping our pets calm during firework season

By Laurel Meleski, RedRover Program Coordinator II

Some pets are able to take fireworks in their stride. They can watch the displays with their families and remain calm, simply happy being with their people. Then there are dogs like my Bob. When fireworks go off, Bob believes that the world is coming to an end -- and that the only thing to do is climb onto my lap to shake and pant uncontrollably until the end comes. Thankfully, I've found a few different ways over the years to help my little buddy deal with this stressful time of year.

July 26, 2013

Pet safety: Gorilla Glue

We all work hard to give our pets the best lives possible. We give them great food, fun toys, loads of attention, and try to keep them safe from harm. However, keeping them safe isn't always easy as we’d like. Whether it's darting out the front door or eating something that they shouldn't, our pets can be great at getting into trouble.

RedRover News

July 1, 2016

Keeping our pets calm during firework season

By Laurel Meleski, RedRover Program Coordinator II

Some pets are able to take fireworks in their stride. They can watch the displays with their families and remain calm, simply happy being with their people. Then there are dogs like my Bob. When fireworks go off, Bob believes that the world is coming to an end -- and that the only thing to do is climb onto my lap to shake and pant uncontrollably until the end comes. Thankfully, I've found a few different ways over the years to help my little buddy deal with this stressful time of year.

July 26, 2013

Pet safety: Gorilla Glue

We all work hard to give our pets the best lives possible. We give them great food, fun toys, loads of attention, and try to keep them safe from harm. However, keeping them safe isn't always easy as we’d like. Whether it's darting out the front door or eating something that they shouldn't, our pets can be great at getting into trouble.

July 1, 2016

Keeping our pets calm during firework season

By Laurel Meleski, RedRover Program Coordinator II

Some pets are able to take fireworks in their stride. They can watch the displays with their families and remain calm, simply happy being with their people. Then there are dogs like my Bob. When fireworks go off, Bob believes that the world is coming to an end -- and that the only thing to do is climb onto my lap to shake and pant uncontrollably until the end comes. Thankfully, I've found a few different ways over the years to help my little buddy deal with this stressful time of year.

July 26, 2013

Pet safety: Gorilla Glue

We all work hard to give our pets the best lives possible. We give them great food, fun toys, loads of attention, and try to keep them safe from harm. However, keeping them safe isn't always easy as we’d like. Whether it's darting out the front door or eating something that they shouldn't, our pets can be great at getting into trouble.