May 22, 2013

RedRover Responders update: Oklahoma tornado situation

Beginning Monday afternoon, as the deadly tornadoes struck the Oklahoma City area, RedRover Emergency Services Manager Beth Gammie has been reaching out to offer RedRover Responders' support to our partners at the Central Oklahoma Humane Society, as well as the Animal Resource Center (which is sheltering people and animals) and other Oklahoma rescues and shelters.

RedRover News

June 3, 2013

RedRover Responders volunteers on the ground in Oklahoma

Since June 1, RedRover Responders volunteers have been on the ground at the temporary emergency shelter operated by the City of Moore Animal Welfare Department. RedRover was invited by the American Humane Association to care for approximately 100 displaced pets currently sheltered at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds.

May 22, 2013

RedRover Responders update: Oklahoma tornado situation

Beginning Monday afternoon, as the deadly tornadoes struck the Oklahoma City area, RedRover Emergency Services Manager Beth Gammie has been reaching out to offer RedRover Responders' support to our partners at the Central Oklahoma Humane Society, as well as the Animal Resource Center (which is sheltering people and animals) and other Oklahoma rescues and shelters.

May 22, 2013

RedRover Responders update: Oklahoma tornado situation

Beginning Monday afternoon, as the deadly tornadoes struck the Oklahoma City area, RedRover Emergency Services Manager Beth Gammie has been reaching out to offer RedRover Responders' support to our partners at the Central Oklahoma Humane Society, as well as the Animal Resource Center (which is sheltering people and animals) and other Oklahoma rescues and shelters.