December 12, 2016

The many faces of gratitude

By Karly Noel, RedRover Director of Education and Outreach

Have you ever noticed that when you think about something often enough, you start seeing examples of it everywhere? For instance, when I was trying to decide if I should sell my old red Honda Accord, I saw that car everywhere I went...or when I was pregnant and it seemed like the only people out and about were mothers with their young babies. 

December 2, 2016

Today I witnessed something beautiful

By Karly Noel, RedRover Director of Education and Outreach

Today I witnessed something beautiful. I visit elementary schools often in my role at RedRover, but this time was different. This time I experienced more than just story sharing and thoughtful students commenting about helping others. Today I saw the power that children have to warm the hearts of adults and give them hope for a better tomorrow.

November 15, 2013

"These are moments I live for"

An interview with Whitney Best, RedRover Readers volunteer

By Nicole Forsyth, RedRover President and CEO

Whitney Best lives in Sacramento, California, and has volunteered with the RedRover Readers program since 2009. She visits classrooms and encourages children to think humanely about animals. She sat down with RedRover President and CEO Nicole Forsyth to talk about what makes the RedRover Readers program unique.

Nicole: What made you decide to volunteer for RedRover?

RedRover News

December 12, 2016

The many faces of gratitude

By Karly Noel, RedRover Director of Education and Outreach

Have you ever noticed that when you think about something often enough, you start seeing examples of it everywhere? For instance, when I was trying to decide if I should sell my old red Honda Accord, I saw that car everywhere I went...or when I was pregnant and it seemed like the only people out and about were mothers with their young babies. 

December 2, 2016

Today I witnessed something beautiful

By Karly Noel, RedRover Director of Education and Outreach

Today I witnessed something beautiful. I visit elementary schools often in my role at RedRover, but this time was different. This time I experienced more than just story sharing and thoughtful students commenting about helping others. Today I saw the power that children have to warm the hearts of adults and give them hope for a better tomorrow.

November 15, 2013

"These are moments I live for"

An interview with Whitney Best, RedRover Readers volunteer

By Nicole Forsyth, RedRover President and CEO

Whitney Best lives in Sacramento, California, and has volunteered with the RedRover Readers program since 2009. She visits classrooms and encourages children to think humanely about animals. She sat down with RedRover President and CEO Nicole Forsyth to talk about what makes the RedRover Readers program unique.

Nicole: What made you decide to volunteer for RedRover?

December 12, 2016

The many faces of gratitude

By Karly Noel, RedRover Director of Education and Outreach

Have you ever noticed that when you think about something often enough, you start seeing examples of it everywhere? For instance, when I was trying to decide if I should sell my old red Honda Accord, I saw that car everywhere I went...or when I was pregnant and it seemed like the only people out and about were mothers with their young babies. 

December 2, 2016

Today I witnessed something beautiful

By Karly Noel, RedRover Director of Education and Outreach

Today I witnessed something beautiful. I visit elementary schools often in my role at RedRover, but this time was different. This time I experienced more than just story sharing and thoughtful students commenting about helping others. Today I saw the power that children have to warm the hearts of adults and give them hope for a better tomorrow.

November 15, 2013

"These are moments I live for"

An interview with Whitney Best, RedRover Readers volunteer

By Nicole Forsyth, RedRover President and CEO

Whitney Best lives in Sacramento, California, and has volunteered with the RedRover Readers program since 2009. She visits classrooms and encourages children to think humanely about animals. She sat down with RedRover President and CEO Nicole Forsyth to talk about what makes the RedRover Readers program unique.

Nicole: What made you decide to volunteer for RedRover?