
Volunteers play a vital role in RedRover’s work to shelter animals during emergency situations and prevent animal abuse through innovative humane education.

Our RedRover Responders volunteers live all across the United States and Canada, and they come together – united – to work for a common purpose.

What do volunteers do?

RedRover offers volunteer opportunities to directly care for animals in crisis at a temporary emergency shelter and to prevent animal cruelty before it starts, leading to a kinder and more compassionate world for all.

Our volunteers:

  • Help care for animals who have been rescued from crisis situations, such as natural disasters and cruelty cases, and assist with building pet-friendly spaces for pets of domestic violence survivors through the RedRover Responders program.
  • Read with children and promote empathy toward animals and people through the RedRover Readers program.
  • Make a difference by volunteering as a Board Director, or contributing in everyday ways like coordinating youth service projects.

RedRover volunteers are passionate about making a difference for animals, ensuring that wherever possible, animals get a second chance at living happy, healthy lives with people who love them.

  • Dr. Maurren Wimatt
    “The RedRover approach for collaboration was spot on for anyone working with Urban Indian Organizations and Tribal communities. RedRover heard our priorities, and took time to get feedback from local experts and staff. When the EAGLES program was rolled out, there was community buy-in because it was developed by SNAHC with RedRover expertise. I personally appreciate it, and the community was so excited for the program as a direct result of this important collaboration. This will serve RedRover well in developing similar programs with different groups and organizations. We thank RedRover for being responsive to our feedback and process. The RedRover approach works!”
    Dr. Maurren Wimatt
    Chief Program and Development Officer at the Sacramento Native American Health Center
  • Josh Levine, On-Call Angel
    RedRover is a charity that my wife and I are extremely passionate about. We have been On-Call Angels with RedRover since I first found out about the organization while on a deployment in 2014. Our time as On-Call Angels has provided us with some of the most rewarding opportunities to contribute toward keeping families happy, healthy, and whole. Melissa and I look forward to each opportunity we are presented to help another family. We've been a part of 34 cases since we started participating in this program and each opportunity brings us so much joy to be able to help with.
    Josh Levine, On-Call Angel
  • On-Call Angel
    When you donate through the On-Call Angel program, you’re making a very direct impact on a specific animal. We like being able to see the actual animal we are helping, receiving the picture and knowing you are helping that animal. It’s not a stock photo, you’re not donating to hundreds of unknown animals, you’re donating to that one animal. That animal may be all that family has, and you are helping that family stay whole. What greater impact is there than that?
    On-Call Angel
  • RedRover donor
    I've been an animal lover all my life.  As a child, I witnessed my stepdad abusing our pets and it hurt me to the very core. I think your agency is one of the best in caring for animals of all types so I consider my donation as a gift to animals from my heart. Thank you for what you do.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    I heartily support RedRover with a recurring monthly donation. RedRover does what no other animal organization does - they promote the development of empathy in children via their reading program. In addition to developing empathy for animals, their program also helps children develop critical thinking skills.
    RedRover donor
  • This was the best workshop I’ve ever taken! – I mean it. It was thoughtful, informative and inspiring.
  • Urgent Care grant recipient and donor
    RedRover saved our dog's life. We were in a tough spot financially and had spent everything we had to treat and ultimately remove our 6 yr old Chinese Crested's right eye. About six months later, his left eye followed suit but this time it progressed so rapidly that he needed IMMEDIATE eye removal surgery but we were out of funds. After utilizing family, friends and crowdsourcing we were still coming up short. Our Crested, Ducati, was in so much pain and we had nowhere left to turn so we reached out to RedRover for help. RedRover Relief came to the rescue with an urgent care grant for Ducati’s emergency eye removal surgery. That surgery truly saved his life and now, eight years later, our little blind Crested dog is still happy, healthy and loving life! Our family is forever grateful and we hope that our contributions today will help RedRover to assist other families with pets in need
    Urgent Care grant recipient and donor
  • Urgent Care grant recipient
    Thanks for the amazing work you are doing helping the animals in need. Five years ago my dog was hit by a car and I wasn’t able to pay for the entire procedure. You helped me and I am very thankful for that.
    Urgent Care grant recipient
  • Susie, RedRover Vice President of Programs
    "I know first hand how miraculous the relationship between you and an animal can be, and I get to work daily to help give animals in crises that chance to find the people who will love them unconditionally – what can be better than that? "
    Susie, RedRover Vice President of Programs
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    To be able to see the difference RedRover makes in the lives of animals (and humans) is not only heart-warming, it’s the essence of what volunteerism is all about.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    Having the opportunity to do something constructive to help the animals affected by this disaster lessened my own anguish about the overall situation. It is very difficult to see this kind of destruction of people and animals’ lives and be able to help in any meaningful way. RedRover allowed me to get involved and make a difference. Thank you!
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    The biggest highlight for me was being able to work directly with the animals every day and know that the work we were doing was contributing to their health and well-being. I loved being able to interact with them in a way that hopefully started to show them that humans aren’t all bad and that there are many of us who love them and want the best for them. Meeting other like-minded volunteers was also a highlight.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders Media Volunteer
    The impact RedRover has had on me is showing it’s not just people putting their opinions out there, it’s real people working, taking days off, driving, flying, getting down and dirty… It’s a great thing to be a part of.
    RedRover Responders Media Volunteer
  • RedRover donor
    The work you’re doing is beyond wonderful. I don’t have the right word for how critical, moving, essential and terrific it is.
    RedRover donor
  • Patty, RedRover Responders volunteer
    After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2006, I knew that I wanted to do more than local adoptions. I trained as a volunteer for Red Rover (EARS at that time), and I was hooked. I had my first deployment to Pratt, KS in 2007. Being a “red-shirt” has been one of the most challenging, satisfying, and rewarding things in my life. I have made friends nationwide, within the group and within other partner organizations. The relationships that are formed through volunteering are the most meaningful and long lasting relationships one can make. We may not see each other often, but when we do, it’s like we were never apart. Animal people are the best people in the world!
    Patty, RedRover Responders volunteer
  • Nicole, RedRover President and CEO
    I love working at RedRover because I get to work with caring and compassionate people–we all strive to treat each other humanely. I also love that RedRover actively works to inspire and empower people to create positive change, whether staff, volunteers, clients, teachers, other organizations or members and helps build positive connections and relationships wherever it can. The culture of caring is genuine–it goes all the way through the core of the organization.
    Nicole, RedRover President and CEO
  • Maggie, RedRover Responders volunteer
    I've been with RedRover for 12 years, volunteering with several of their programs (yep, they do *tons* more than emergency sheltering). Working with them has not only given me my most satisfying (and well organized) volunteer experiences, but has also helped give me skills to keep myself and my own family safe. You know I'm nit picky. I have no problem endorsing RedRover because it's a great organization that shows sincere respect to both the volunteers and the clients (aka, the humans and animals they assist).
    Maggie, RedRover Responders volunteer
  • Liz, RedRover volunteer and donor
    Please know I really enjoy my time helping out RedRover both in the office and out taking care of animals!! You guys are wonderful! Animals have always been my greatest love, and RedRover’s mission embodies this passion perfectly!! I am so fortunate and grateful to be even a tiny part of your great organization!!!
    Liz, RedRover volunteer and donor
  • Lisa, RedRover Reades-trained teacher
    Reading Buddy Unchained to my class went well. I have several autistic children in my class so the conversation about body language was helpful. Kids had fun talking about different things their parents did that showed how they were feeling. The next day one of my autistic boys came up to me and said that he tried to pay attention to his dad’s body language and said that he noticed when he smiled at him when they were talking after school. My student said that made him feel good because he realized his dad was happy with him. He said he hadn’t paid attention to that before. That comment made me so happy! This boy has been struggling all year and the fact that he’s starting to become aware of other’s people's reaction is huge!
    Lisa, RedRover Reades-trained teacher
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    Thank you so so much for your help as [my client] could not have left Philly if it wasn’t for the funding your org granted to her. Please know how amazing your work is and the very niche needs that you are addressing that are so important to many survivors.
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • Dianne, Kind News magazine sponsor
    For over 15 years, PAWS has sponsored Kind News as a principal part of our humane education mission - we feel it’s very important to reach and teach children at an early age to learn and practice caring plus respect for all animals.
    Dianne, Kind News magazine sponsor
  • COVID-19 Emergency Boarding grant recipient
    I am in tears writing this. I am beyond grateful!! Thank you so much for all of your help. I would've had to surrender my babies if it weren't for the help you've given me. I will never forget this and will pay it forward if I am ever able to. Thank you!!
    COVID-19 Emergency Boarding grant recipient
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    My deployment in Jacksonville was one of the proudest times in my life.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    RedRover is an amazing organization that I have utilized often to help clients with their animals. As we all are aware, people would do absolutely anything for their animals, and that includes not seeking safety for themselves to try and protect the animals from their abuser. Thank you all for the amazing work that you do!
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • RedRover donor
    Thank you, RedRover, for all the wonderful and amazing things you do for animals and their humans. With all your compassion, tenacity, passion, dedication, and hard work, you are all providing SO many second chances to our precious and VERY deserving animals, and helping to make this world a kinder and safer one for them to live in.
    RedRover donor
  • Amy, Parent
    HUGE thank you goes out to RedRover for their RedRover Readers humane education session last Friday! Kade absolutely loved learning about how the rabbit in the story got rescued and ended up in a loving home, all whilst having a good discussion on what to do when you see an animal in distress and how to help, then designing an indoor rabbit playpen/house, and then at the end getting to "e-meet" a real life rabbit!
    Amy, Parent
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    We love RedRover and all it does for animals in need, especially those being rescued from dangerous and disastrous situations. In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we felt it was a good time to donate a bit more than usual. I am a domestic abuse survivor and I got my corgi, Cheryl, to help with my PTSD about 2 years after I escaped my nightmare. She is my best friend and greatest comfort. We got involved with RedRover during the Purple Leash Project, and we use our leash every day! RedRover is close to my heart for that reason, and I want to make this gift on behalf of both me and Cheryl.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Kind News sponsor
    I provide a curriculum structured to grade level but your publication is by far the most popular with the students. I receive notes and art from students and positive feedback from the coordinators of the programs.
    Kind News sponsor
  • Urgent Care grant recipient and monthly donor
    Years ago, I needed help with my furry friend and RedRover was there for me in helping save his life. In turn, I am FurEver grateful!
    Urgent Care grant recipient and monthly donor
  • Urgent Care grant recipient
    Eternally grateful for the help you provided for our little rescue dog Roo who needed surgery for a hernia many years ago. Roo is gone, but her memory lives on in our hearts.
    Urgent Care grant recipient
  • Tom, RedRover Responders volunteer
    Started volunteering with RedRover in Spring of 2018. Have participated in 4 deployments since then and look forward to helping again in the future. Most memorable was celebrating Thanksgiving last year on the San Marcos deployment with my fellow volunteers. Great organization working with wonderful partners.
    Tom, RedRover Responders volunteer
  • On-Call Angel
    My family and I are truly appreciative for organizations like this which provide a means for people to get out of a dangerous situation WITH their four-legged family members. It has been one of the most rewarding endeavors in my life to contribute in this capacity and I am forever thankful to RedRover for helping to keep families whole, healthy, and most of all safe.
    On-Call Angel
  • Urgent Care grant recipient and donor
    I want to sincerely thank Redrover for helping me save a stray who has now become part of our family. Kuzma was in desperate shape when we found him and we did not have the means to pay for his medical care. Redrover was a huge blessing at our time of need. Again thank you for all your support. Kuzma is now thriving and is loving his new home.
    Urgent Care grant recipient and donor
  • RedRover Readers-trained teacher
    Now I understand it. As educators, we can also be more aware of how we teach so we can show the kids how to be more in tune with themselves and others [including animals] around them.
    RedRover Readers-trained teacher
  • RedRover donor
    RedRover [is] on my year-end giving list every year; as an animal lover, I'm very emotionally moved by the work that you do.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    I heartily support RedRover with a recurring monthly donation. RedRover does what no other animal organization does - they promote the development of empathy in children via their reading program. In addition to developing empathy for animals, their program also helps children develop critical thinking skills.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    If my small donation helps in any way to create safety shelters for families, including the pet(s) so hearts, bodies and souls can begin to heal, then the world might also heal.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    I believe the human-animal bond is life-sustaining. To have to leave a four-legged (or other-legged!) family member behind in such a traumatic time as fleeing abuse is incomprehensible to me. And I learned that RedRover helps with such situations.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    I truly appreciate the e-book about empathy that Red Rover has made available to all of us. I think empathy is a powerful emotion and I believe we are better people when we behave empathetically every day.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    If, over the next two generations, we can convey to a critical mass of young people that animals are feeling, sentient beings, the human race will turn a major corner in its treatment of its fellow species.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    This was a life changing event to be a part of. We helped a community who was happy to have us there. Our entire team bonded and I have made friends for life because of this event. There are 102 cats who have had vet care and will no longer be able to reproduce, which will make such a difference with the overpopulation of the island. Thank you for putting this together!
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    As a RedRover Responder, I have a sense of pride, knowing I am part of a cohesive team of terrific, hard-working volunteers who have genuine concern for the care of animals is amazing. To be able to see the difference RedRover makes in the lives of animals (and humans) during a deployment is not only heart-warming, but it is the essence of what volunteerism is all about.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    I have a lot of pride for what we did for the animals. I would do this work every day of my life if I could.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    I believe the local agencies we were there to support were positively affected by this force we created. I believe it helped re-energize them with new strength and commitment, knowing they were not alone in their task, and that they were supported by some of this continent's highest quality animal rescue volunteers. What a gas to be a part of this!
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • Andy, RedRover Responders volunteer
    The relationships you will create during deployment will last a lifetime.
    Andy, RedRover Responders volunteer
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    As a RedRover Responder, I have a sense of pride, knowing I am part of a cohesive team of terrific, hard-working volunteers who have genuine concern for the care of animals is amazing. To be able to see the difference RedRover makes in the lives of animals (and humans) during a deployment is not only heart-warming, but it is the essence of what volunteerism is all about.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • Keleigh, RedRover Director of Communications
    My favorite part of working at RedRover is: working in an environment where compassion, empathy and kindness are not just a philosophical mission but an everyday focus and practice, both in the workplace and in every decision we make as an organization.
    Keleigh, RedRover Director of Communications
  • RedRover staff member
    RedRover is beyond the best place to work. My coworkers and I are motivated to come to work and do our best not only beause we believe in the mission and want to help people and animals but because leadership makes an effort to show us everyone matters, is valued and respected.
    RedRover staff member
  • RedRover staff member
    RedRover is an organization that truly walks the [walk], living and breathing their mission of honoring and supporting the human-animal bond, building compassino and empathy, and creating a kinder world for all. The work culture is fun, supportive, kind and respectful, while also constantly expanding and pushing for growth.
    RedRover staff member
  • RedRover staff member
    I'm so proud to work for an organization [that] works so tirelessly to help people and their pets in crisis. From our mission to our supportive culture, you can't help but love the work and want to shout it from the mountain tops!
    RedRover staff member
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    I wish I had a place to go when I was in this very situation. This project is so very needed.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Purple Leash Project donor
    After reading the content on your website, I fell hard for this initiative. What a brilliant cause making sure that domestic violence shelters includes pets so that they can be together and heal together. It makes so much sense.
    Purple Leash Project donor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    My dog, my darling Bonnie, was the only reason I survived. Thank you for this [project].
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Purple Leash Project donor
    I lost my sister to domestic violence, she stayed with her husband because she didn't want to leave her big dogs. Thank you for all you are doing.
    Purple Leash Project donor
  •  Donor and domestic violence survivor
    This program is so incredibly important. I loved my dog but lost her because I had to leave. It's so good to see that this doesn't have to happen anymore to victims. Please don't stop until every DV shelter is pet friendly. Please.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    Wish I knew about this a while ago for myself, but so grateful this exists & the help it will provide so many in such a terrible rock-and-a-hard-place situation.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    Your mission means a lot to me. Yars ago I stayed in an abusive relationship because I didn't have the means to bring my dog. I never was able to bring him. I'm so glad you will be there for others!
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    As an abuse survivor who had to leave a puppy behind only to have my abuser kill the dog for spite, I hope my small donation can help someone else not have to make this gut wrenching choice.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Purple Leash Project donor
    I can't imagine having to choose between staying with an abusive partner and leaving my beloved and supportive pet behind.
    Purple Leash Project donor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    As someone who stayed in a bad situation too long because of my pet, this is exactly the sort of thing we need more of. I am so glad to see someone is addressing the need!
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    Wish I'd heard about you when I was having my own troubles. Hopefully this helps someone else get out sooner than I did.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    I am a domestic violence survivor. I had to leave my animals behind, which was the scariest part of leaving. I'm honored to be able to help.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    I am a survivor of domestic abuse with a cat and dog who were also with me during the abuse. I appreciate the Purple Leash Project and everything that they stand for because I know how it is to be in that situation. Thank you for all the work you guys do.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    As a survivor of sexual assault I applaud your recognition that pets are an essential part of the healing process. And that they are family members too!!
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Donor and domestic violence survivor
    I'm so thankful that this program exists. A close loved one is in a domestic violence situation and couldn't leave their partner due to the shelter not accepting their pets. Please continue what you are doing. I truly hope it changes things.
    Donor and domestic violence survivor
  • Kimberly, Kindergarten teacher
    My kindergarten students' eyes light up when we receive Kind News in the classroom. They are so excited to turn the pages to learn about animals, engage in fun games, and see real pictures. They love that they are able to take Kind News to share these stories with their families!
    Kimberly, Kindergarten teacher
  • Teri, Kind News magazine sponsor
    My humane society has supported local schools with Kind News for so many years because we truly believe that educating our children is the most effective and proactive approach to fostering kindness towards animals.
    Teri, Kind News magazine sponsor
  • Stephanie, Second-grade teacher
    The kids look forward to [Kind News magazines] as we have many animal lovers in class. Kids and animals, they go hand in hand. I use these in class during our Language Arts time and it is a relaxed setting where kids can read the magazine and then casually chat about what they have learned, or make connections to what they have read. These kids are our future leaders and this magazine can plant the seeds for future volunteerism, activism, or simply provide awareness.
    Stephanie, Second-grade teacher
  • Rita, Kind News magazine sponsor
    Thurston County Humane Society has been sponsoring Kind News for 20 years! The students absolutely love these magazines. They help them understand and respect animals and encourage empathy and critical thinking. Every year we budget for this educational effort!
    Rita, Kind News magazine sponsor
  • Lynda, Third-grade teacher
    Kind News is very interesting to my class and provides much-needed vocabulary as my students are still learning English. I have a serious love of animals and love to share it with my students!
    Lynda, Third-grade teacher
  • Valerie, Humane educator
    Kind News has been genuinely loved in our classrooms up north. That was a fantastic boost to the children and their knowledge. Thank you!
    Valerie, Humane educator
  • Anika, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
    Just to let you know, the RedRover Readers program - and the literature it includes - has been so helpful this school year. One of my students lost her father in an accident and the stories have helped her open up and actually deal with her emotions.
    Anika, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
  • Elizabeth, Third-grade teacher
    Kind News is a valuable tool for elementary teachers who want to promote care for our creatures--big and small, the planet and each other.
    Elizabeth, Third-grade teacher
  • RedRover Readers volunteer and trained teacher
    [The RedRover Readers training] absolutely changed the way I teach, interact with students, and frame my thinking. I LOVE it!
    RedRover Readers volunteer and trained teacher
  • RedRover donor
    I'm inspired by RedRover because you are helping animals that need help. This is a cause that's very close to my heart. Our pets are totally at the mercy of their humans and when disaster strikes and humans can't even care of themselves, then that puts our pets in a terrible situation. It makes me very concerned, and I feel that making a donation is the least I can do.
    RedRover donor
  • RedRover donor
    Our love for animals, especially dogs, plus your excellent rating from Charity Navigator, the fact that you are teaching children to respect animals and develop empathy for all living things are the main reasons I have chosen to support RedRover.
    RedRover donor
  • Paloma, age 8, RedRover Readers student
    I used to be afraid of dogs but RedRover dog books have made me not be afraid.
    Paloma, age 8, RedRover Readers student
  • Ines, age 7, RedRover Readers student
    I started to check if [my dogs] had food and fresh water everyday... RedRover books helped me to be with my dogs and give them food and water. I am loving my dogs better.
    Ines, age 7, RedRover Readers student
  • RedRover Responders volunteer
    The teamwork is like nothing I've experienced before when volunteering. At the end of the day, we do it for the animals. And you leave feeling like you have made a huge difference, and new friends.
    RedRover Responders volunteer
  • Jody, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
    I have been teaching for 30 years, and I wish these strategies were something I knew earlier.
    Jody, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
  • Theresa, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
    What I love about the RedRover program is that at this age, students are so into animals, and the program maximizes teaching empathy to animals to teach empathy to people or vice versa.
    Theresa, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
  • Brett, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
    This curriculum helped my students show compassion to others. Highly recommend it to other educators.
    Brett, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
  • Susan, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
    This professional development course was a life-changing experience I will incorporate into every aspect of my life.
    Susan, RedRover Readers-trained teacher
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    Thank you again for all you've done and all you continue to do. I have my buddy. And that's a huge part because of you! It wouldn't have as good of an ending if it wasn't for your kindness and help!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    I want to thank you so so much. My baby had 17 teeth out and has only 5 remaining. He still recovering but doing well...You don't know how much I appreciate what you've done for me and Freddie.
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    I wanted to thank you organization once again for helping me out in my time of need to take care of my furbaby. Khloe's procedure went great she's recovering at the moment. I just wanted to express I truly appreciate organizations such as yours for helping with financial assistance. You guys definitely helped lessen the stress levels during this entire process.
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and everyone at Red Rover for the help of Belladonna. She is doing quite fine and is as happy as ever, thanks to all of you.
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    Words cannot express how grateful we are for the surgery and the health of Eve as well as her new playful, friendly, and loving disposition! I would say she has never been happier or more affectionate. I cannot thank you enough for saving her life, she is the most important person in the world to me, so you saved my life as well. I am unbelievably indebted to you and your miracle organization- from the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough.
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    Thank you so much for helping me save my tortoise Sammy! I can't express my gratitude enough! When we picked him up and he saw us, his head immediately popped out of his shell and he stretched his neck out for lovings. I think he thought I wasn't coming back for him. It's amazing what you've done for us and it's amazing what you do to help struggling owners save their beloved pets. Thank you so much!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    I wanted to thank you so much for your help in getting PrettyFace her surgery. You showed a tremendous amount of compassion, generosity, and patience that can be hard to find in these situations. Pretty is doing excellent. She is back to being her usual self, full of voracious energy. I and her sister are so happy she is back home. We send you a very heartfelt thanks!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    If it weren't for RedRover, I wouldn't have my best friend today... thank you so much RedRover, you're a true blessing!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    I have prayed and prayed - I know the gratefulness that I feel right now can not be described in an email- I am overwhelmed by the kindness and hope that at some point in the future I can pay it forward. Thank you again for your kindness. He thinks he is feeling pretty good with all his meds. I am looking forward to him getting his pep back even more. He really does mean everything to me! Thank you! Thank you!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    Thanks again for approving the grant towards Mixie's surgery. Words can't express how grateful I am that RedRover stepped in so quickly to assist me with saving my dogs life. I really appreciate. Mixie is doing so much better, she finally has an appetite, she's moving around, her strength has increased tremendously. I am so happy to see her happy again. Thanks again!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    My heart goes out to RedRover and all the loving hearts that donate.. if it wasn't for this organization my husband, who is retired military and has an unfortunate disability, wouldn't have his service dog today. Pabst had his post op exam and Dr said everything looked good. Pabst is slowly gaining his energy and spunk back. Again, I can thank you guys enough for the support and help!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    This grant, this gift, is so helpful and we send our sincere thanks to you and the members of your organization for your kind assistance toward relieving Puppet's pain and bringing him back to health. People like you truly make this world a better place. We deeply appreciate what you have done for this sweet, little dog. Thank-you, again, for your great kindness.
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    I just want to take the time to say thank you to you and the RedRover Program. Without your program's funding, I honestly don't know what my client would have done. With RedRover funding [my client's pet] was able to have a place to call home...to get updated shots and get neutered. My client and her children cannot thank you guys enough. Your program made it a easy to apply... My client and her children were able to visit [their pet] anytime they wanted to. I know personally myself, client, and her children will forever be thankful. never knew about this program, until a past client had mentioned it to me. It's awesome that your program receives generous donations. I can only hope and pray that your program remains receiving funding so you guys are able to keep families together. Once again, thank you all!
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    Thank you so much for the help that [RedRover] has provided allowed my client to have her two purebred poodles taken care of while she spent a month in shelter through our agency. [My client], an adoptive mother of two kids, 15 yrs old, and 11 yrs old, had found herself homeless after fleeing an abusive marriage. After spending a month in the shelter with the peace of mind of having her dogs taken care of [she] was able to coordinate the re-enstatement of her monthly funds and plan a move [to live] with other family. [Her dogs] are not only loving family members for [her] family but provide therapeutic companionship for her autistic son. The mental and emotional health of her son during this time of instability was greatly improved when we were able to find a safe place for them to be housed in the meantime. Thank you so much for all that you have provided for this family.
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • Domestic violence survivor
    I am and will be forever grateful for [RedRover's] assistance in making sure that my two dogs were also in a safe place as I was. I would have been devastated if I had to surrender [my dogs] to the animal shelter. These two are my best friends and companions for a lifetime. Thank you [RedRover]!
    Domestic violence survivor
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    I had the extreme pleasure to be able to work with RedRover in getting a client's animal to safety after she had fled domestic violence and relocated to a safe haven and was therefore unable to bring her animal with her. Laurel was extremely helpful in explaining the organization's processes in applying for funding for the animal to be boarded, and worked with us for weeks, sticking by our side through the different barriers that arose and made finding safe placement for the animal all the more difficult. Not having any prior experience assisting a client with finding safe shelter for her animal, I am so thankful to Laurel and the entire organization for the work they do every day to advocate for animals.
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    Things worked out well for [my client], in large part due to your program. I truly believe she would have left shelter due to the fact that she was not able to keep her dog here. Your program allowed her to participate in our program and have safe shelter housing without having to leave her beloved pet behind.? You certainly made a difference in her life ([her dog's] too).
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
    I am a recent victim of emotional domestic abuse. I also just lost my favorite aunt and my mother, so this is a really difficult time of hardship for me. When my cat got ill, I found that my financial situation required me to reach out for help with her vet bills. I could not afford my medicines or even food these days while trying to get on even footing, financially. My companion cat was pretty much all I had and I did not want her to suffer because of my immediate poverty. [RedRover] helped me to be able to provide my cat the surgery she needed. With the help of my case manager at the local domestic violence shelter, we submitted the application to [RedRover] for help. My application was approved within one day, funding was arranged to cover her entire bill at the vet's, and she was in surgery within four days of my application. The staff at [RedRover] was so supportive and kind to me. I can not say enough about how wonderful this organization has been, and I am especially grateful for the sensitivity to victims of domestic violence who are suffering in so many ways: emotionally, financially and facing uncertainty while trying to care for themselves and all their family....even the fur family members. Thank you [RedRover]! I am forever grateful!
    RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant recipient
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    Thank you so much for all of your help with the boarding and care of [my client's dog]! I cannot express to you enough how much it meant to our client to be able to have a safe place for her dog during such a difficult time. We appreciate all that you do!
    Domestic violence shelter advocate
  • Domestic violence shelter advocate
    Thank you for everything that RedRover was able to do for our client. It made a world of difference in their level of happiness and comfort while they were staying with us. As you know, often victims of domestic violence and sexual assault are traumatized, and having their animal companions close by can offer a source of comfort when coming into a shelter where they are adjusting to finally having safety in their lives. It can all be a bit overwhelming, so your program is a boon to survivors. Having their pet close by can provide them with an anchor point, someone familiar whom they care about and trust and who cares about them. I hope the RedRover program continues for a very long time.
    Domestic violence shelter advocate

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