to provide accurate information for pets/large animals lost and found, and ways people in the surrounding area can be helpful.
LATEST STORIES to provide accurate information for pets/large animals lost and found, and ways people in the surrounding area can be helpful.
Beth Gammie, RedRover’s Emergency Services Manager, is at the Emergency Response bootcamp this week in Gonzales, Louisiana. Ten years after Hurricane Katrina, animal emergency response groups are coming together to train responding personnel about animal rescue and care in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Written by RedRover Responders volunteer Donna Lagomarsino
Last week, we told you about the 150+ animals rescued from a North Carolina property. The animals were living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, and needed help. Because people like you support RedRover, we were able to send emergency volunteers to the temporary shelter to begin providing immediate daily care to the rescued animals.
Your support helped the cats of Maui! Watch the video:
Learn more about the Maui cats
Donate to the Emergency Response Fund, so we can always be ready
Trapped in Paradise will commence on Maui, Hawaii, in June 2015. RedRover Responders volunteers will deploy to the island to assist our partners at Animal Balance, in conjunction with the Maui Humane Society and local organizations. We need your support to provide the shelter, love and medical attention for up to 600 cats!
by Bob Bridge, RedRover Responders volunteer Team Lead
Resources for pet owners:ÂSheltering and/or veterinary care
Veterinary Emergency Team - Texas A&M UniversityLost and found oets
RedRover Responders volunteers are known for sheltering animals in disasters and sometimes, that means lending a hand to small communities in need.  Ten years ago, the Hancock County Animal Shelter in Mississippi was destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. After seven years of fundraising, the county was able to reopen the shelter in the town of Kiln. Since then, the tiny shelter has worked heroically to provide shelter for stray and abandoned animals. However, it had limited kennel space to help all the dogs and pups who needed their help.
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- Wildfire to provide accurate information for pets/large animals lost and found, and ways people in the surrounding area can be helpful.
Beth Gammie, RedRover’s Emergency Services Manager, is at the Emergency Response bootcamp this week in Gonzales, Louisiana. Ten years after Hurricane Katrina, animal emergency response groups are coming together to train responding personnel about animal rescue and care in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Written by RedRover Responders volunteer Donna Lagomarsino
Last week, we told you about the 150+ animals rescued from a North Carolina property. The animals were living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, and needed help. Because people like you support RedRover, we were able to send emergency volunteers to the temporary shelter to begin providing immediate daily care to the rescued animals.
Your support helped the cats of Maui! Watch the video:
Learn more about the Maui cats
Donate to the Emergency Response Fund, so we can always be ready
Trapped in Paradise will commence on Maui, Hawaii, in June 2015. RedRover Responders volunteers will deploy to the island to assist our partners at Animal Balance, in conjunction with the Maui Humane Society and local organizations. We need your support to provide the shelter, love and medical attention for up to 600 cats!
by Bob Bridge, RedRover Responders volunteer Team Lead
Resources for pet owners:ÂSheltering and/or veterinary care
Veterinary Emergency Team - Texas A&M UniversityLost and found oets
RedRover Responders volunteers are known for sheltering animals in disasters and sometimes, that means lending a hand to small communities in need.  Ten years ago, the Hancock County Animal Shelter in Mississippi was destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. After seven years of fundraising, the county was able to reopen the shelter in the town of Kiln. Since then, the tiny shelter has worked heroically to provide shelter for stray and abandoned animals. However, it had limited kennel space to help all the dogs and pups who needed their help.