RedRover News

September 12, 2023

On-Call Angels Make A Happy Tail for Quinn the Service Dog

By Savannah Verdon, Development and Engagement Coordinator II In just two years, handsome four-year-old golden retriever Quinn has completely transformed Megan’s life. He has become vital […]
August 4, 2023

“She’s my loveBug”: Bug’s Happy Tail

By Savannah Verdon, Development and Engagement Coordinator II If it weren’t for Bug and Gumdrop, Sandy would have felt terribly alone after her husband passed away. […]
August 4, 2023

She came in through the kitchen window: Charlie’s Happy Tail

By Savannah Verdon, Development and Engagement Coordinator II Keeping the broken kitchen window open wasn’t ideal for Monica, but it wasn’t all that bad either – […]
July 17, 2023

Urgent Care in the nick of time: Dorito’s Happy Tail

By Savannah Verdon, Development and Engagement Coordinator II With more than one pet at home, you expect a certain amount of squabbling among siblings. Whether they’re […]