RedRover News

July 6, 2018

Disaster resources for California wildfires

View and share our Fire Safety Tips for Pets

RedRover Responders volunteers are being deployed to provide emergency sheltering for animals displaced by the fires in Northern California. Here is a list of currently available emergency animal shelters and resources in both California and Canada.

November 7, 2018

RedRover Board Member “Dons” a Red Shirt for Pets Escaping Abuse

In October, RedRover board member Don Garlit deployed with RedRover Responders to give some hands-on help to a domestic violence shelter in Michigan. Our mission: Help […]
November 5, 2018

Gratitude from the frontlines: Reflections on the Carr Fire

In August, our RedRover Responders team was on the ground helping animals displaced by the Northern California Carr Fire. Our volunteers assisted the North Valley Animal […]
October 10, 2018

Safe, healthy and loved: A puppy mill rescue story

By Savannah Verdon, RedRover Marketing & Development Coordinator During the massive Carr Fire in Northern California this past August, I couldn’t help but feel useless working behind […]
October 5, 2018

“Day One of Their Future”: Caring for dogs rescued from puppy mills

Donna is a retired teacher, but if you saw her on the ground with the RedRover Responders team, you’d believe she’s been doing this work her […]
July 24, 2018

Hurricane Harvey one year later: Helping communities rebuild

By Beth Gammie, RedRover Director of Field Services On August 25, 2017, the catastrophic storm Hurricane Harvey hit the Middle Texas coast and caused immense damage […]
July 6, 2018

Disaster resources for California wildfires

View and share our Fire Safety Tips for Pets

RedRover Responders volunteers are being deployed to provide emergency sheltering for animals displaced by the fires in Northern California. Here is a list of currently available emergency animal shelters and resources in both California and Canada.