June 12, 2020

How pets are connecting kids in our new virtual world: RedRover Readers Spotlight with Sarah Kesty

By Tara Lenehan, RedRover Education Coordinator “People’s humanity comes out when we talk about animals together.” Sheltering at home during the pandemic has brought unique challenges […]
April 1, 2020

Six Animal-Themed E-Books for Your Virtual Library

Did you know April is School Library Month? With unexpected school closures, parents, librarians, and educators may be looking for quality humane-themed e-books to share with […]

RedRover News

June 12, 2020

How pets are connecting kids in our new virtual world: RedRover Readers Spotlight with Sarah Kesty

By Tara Lenehan, RedRover Education Coordinator “People’s humanity comes out when we talk about animals together.” Sheltering at home during the pandemic has brought unique challenges […]
April 1, 2020

Six Animal-Themed E-Books for Your Virtual Library

Did you know April is School Library Month? With unexpected school closures, parents, librarians, and educators may be looking for quality humane-themed e-books to share with […]