November 19, 2013

Oreo’s sweet tooth got him into trouble

Kimberly always knew that Oreo had a sweet tooth, and not just for sugary cookies. To Kimberly’s dismay, Oreo was the kind of cat who would occasionally get himself into trouble eating random bits of anything, including rubber bands, elastic ties and even tape.

September 27, 2013

Randon's rescue

Danya and Brent are known in their community as the “animal rescue folks,” so it was no surprise when a neighbor asked them to take in a tiny kitten who needed their help.

Unfortunately, the kitten (who they named “Randon”) had been attacked by another animal and sustained very serious injuries. Randon initially received stitches and had a broken leg repaired, but there were complications with Randon's wounds and an emergency amputation was needed.

September 13, 2013

Big spots, bigger heart

Stacey was surprised when she found a friendly large dog with big brown spots roaming around her neighborhood. With no collar, tags or owner in sight, Stacey begin calling the pup “Petey,” but later realized Petey was a female! To keep her safe and sound, Stacey decided to give the Petey a life of safety and comfort in her own home.

Stacey took Petey to the veterinarian for an exam and learned that Petey was heartworm positive. The treatment would cost hundreds of dollars more than Stacey and her family could afford.

September 6, 2013

Polly want a cracker…or a couch cushion?

Parrots are known to be incredibly smart and sensitive – and Tarzan, a beautiful female African Grey parrot, is no different. Tarzan was poorly cared for in her previous home and had nearly plucked herself bald due to stress before finally nestling into her forever home with Pamela. With a lot of love, patience and attention, Pamela helped Tarzan get over her plucking and on the road to a happy life.

August 15, 2013

Happy Ending: Dixie

Bianca adopted Dixie 12 years ago and they have been best friends ever since. When Dixie began showing signs of distress, Bianca took her to the veterinarian where it was discovered that Dixie had multiple large bladder stones. These stones were causing Dixie extreme pain and needed to be surgically removed.

August 7, 2013

Happy Ending: Tippy

When Christina adopted Tippy, a small tan-and-white Chihuahua mix from a local animal shelter, the shelter staff told her that Tippy was diagnosed with heartworm. Christina’s family was prepared to take on the expense of treatment that the shelter dog needed, but Tippy went downhill fast and needed costly emergency veterinary treatment.

RedRover News

November 15, 2013

Even service dogs need help, too

Sarge is a service dog who provides emotional and physical support to Joshua, a disabled veteran who served in Afghanistan.  When an accident left Sarge’s tail badly injured and in need of surgery, Sarge was now the one in need of support. 

September 27, 2013

Randon's rescue

Danya and Brent are known in their community as the “animal rescue folks,” so it was no surprise when a neighbor asked them to take in a tiny kitten who needed their help.

Unfortunately, the kitten (who they named “Randon”) had been attacked by another animal and sustained very serious injuries. Randon initially received stitches and had a broken leg repaired, but there were complications with Randon's wounds and an emergency amputation was needed.

September 16, 2013

Cayley is recovering thanks to you


Thanks to your donations, Cayley, the dog with severe motor oil burns, is receiving the ongoing care she needs. Her burn wounds are healing nicely and she is recovering well in her foster home. 

September 13, 2013

Big spots, bigger heart

Stacey was surprised when she found a friendly large dog with big brown spots roaming around her neighborhood. With no collar, tags or owner in sight, Stacey begin calling the pup “Petey,” but later realized Petey was a female! To keep her safe and sound, Stacey decided to give the Petey a life of safety and comfort in her own home.

Stacey took Petey to the veterinarian for an exam and learned that Petey was heartworm positive. The treatment would cost hundreds of dollars more than Stacey and her family could afford.

September 6, 2013

Polly want a cracker…or a couch cushion?

Parrots are known to be incredibly smart and sensitive – and Tarzan, a beautiful female African Grey parrot, is no different. Tarzan was poorly cared for in her previous home and had nearly plucked herself bald due to stress before finally nestling into her forever home with Pamela. With a lot of love, patience and attention, Pamela helped Tarzan get over her plucking and on the road to a happy life.

August 15, 2013

Happy Ending: Dixie

Bianca adopted Dixie 12 years ago and they have been best friends ever since. When Dixie began showing signs of distress, Bianca took her to the veterinarian where it was discovered that Dixie had multiple large bladder stones. These stones were causing Dixie extreme pain and needed to be surgically removed.

August 7, 2013

Happy Ending: Tippy

When Christina adopted Tippy, a small tan-and-white Chihuahua mix from a local animal shelter, the shelter staff told her that Tippy was diagnosed with heartworm. Christina’s family was prepared to take on the expense of treatment that the shelter dog needed, but Tippy went downhill fast and needed costly emergency veterinary treatment.

August 2, 2013

Happy Ending: Riley

After losing her cherished Labrador retriever to pancreatitis, Shellie decided to bring Riley, a beautiful yellow Lab, into her life.

November 19, 2013

Oreo’s sweet tooth got him into trouble

Kimberly always knew that Oreo had a sweet tooth, and not just for sugary cookies. To Kimberly’s dismay, Oreo was the kind of cat who would occasionally get himself into trouble eating random bits of anything, including rubber bands, elastic ties and even tape.

September 27, 2013

Randon's rescue

Danya and Brent are known in their community as the “animal rescue folks,” so it was no surprise when a neighbor asked them to take in a tiny kitten who needed their help.

Unfortunately, the kitten (who they named “Randon”) had been attacked by another animal and sustained very serious injuries. Randon initially received stitches and had a broken leg repaired, but there were complications with Randon's wounds and an emergency amputation was needed.

September 13, 2013

Big spots, bigger heart

Stacey was surprised when she found a friendly large dog with big brown spots roaming around her neighborhood. With no collar, tags or owner in sight, Stacey begin calling the pup “Petey,” but later realized Petey was a female! To keep her safe and sound, Stacey decided to give the Petey a life of safety and comfort in her own home.

Stacey took Petey to the veterinarian for an exam and learned that Petey was heartworm positive. The treatment would cost hundreds of dollars more than Stacey and her family could afford.

September 6, 2013

Polly want a cracker…or a couch cushion?

Parrots are known to be incredibly smart and sensitive – and Tarzan, a beautiful female African Grey parrot, is no different. Tarzan was poorly cared for in her previous home and had nearly plucked herself bald due to stress before finally nestling into her forever home with Pamela. With a lot of love, patience and attention, Pamela helped Tarzan get over her plucking and on the road to a happy life.

August 15, 2013

Happy Ending: Dixie

Bianca adopted Dixie 12 years ago and they have been best friends ever since. When Dixie began showing signs of distress, Bianca took her to the veterinarian where it was discovered that Dixie had multiple large bladder stones. These stones were causing Dixie extreme pain and needed to be surgically removed.

August 7, 2013

Happy Ending: Tippy

When Christina adopted Tippy, a small tan-and-white Chihuahua mix from a local animal shelter, the shelter staff told her that Tippy was diagnosed with heartworm. Christina’s family was prepared to take on the expense of treatment that the shelter dog needed, but Tippy went downhill fast and needed costly emergency veterinary treatment.