Get Help
Grants and resources for individuals and organizations
In need of emergency sheltering or other community assistance? RedRover Responders can help.
Emergency Assistance
Our emergency care funding preserves the human-animal bond by providing financial assistance, resources, and support to low-income individuals and survivors of domestic violence escaping abuse with their pets.
Urgent Care
Provides financial assistance,
resources, and emotional support
for pet guardians struggling with
economic hardship when pets are
in life-threatening situations.
Safe Escape
Pays for pet boarding to help families with pets safely escape domestic violence together. Application must be completed by a domestic violence shelter advocate.
Other Financial
Assistance Programs
Directory of resources
including state and national
programs, condition-specific
asssistance, and more.
Domestic Violence Assistance
Support and resources for survivors, shelters, and advocates.
Safe Housing
Helps domestic violence and animal organizations build pet programs that work for survivors in their communities.
Safe Escape
Pays for pet boarding to help families with pets safely escape domestic violence together. Application must be completed by a domestic violence shelter advocate.
Other Grant &
Assistance Programs
Directory of domestic violence support and resources.