Domestic Violence Resources for Individuals and Organizations
This information is provided as a courtesy only. RedRover does not suggest that these referrals will be able to help with your specific situation. Please check the websites listed for eligibility requirements prior to contacting them.
Assistance for Individuals
Find a Pet Friendly Program
- DomesticShelters.org - Find domestic violence shelters that offer a pet program.
- Safe Haven for Pets - Find animal organizations that provide boarding or fostering for pets, as well as domestic violence shelters that offer a pet program.
RedRover Resources
- RedRover Relief Safe Escape grants - Funding is mainly provided to help with the cost of temporary pet boarding while a client is in a domestic violence shelter. Applications must be submitted online by a domestic violence advocate.
- RedRover Relief Urgent Care grants - Financial assistance, resources, and emotional support for pet guardians struggling with economic hardship when pets are in life-threatening situations.
National Assistance (U.S.)
Assistance for Organizations
Funding Programs
- AKC Humane Fund - For animal housing in domestic violence shelters, as well as temporary (or permanent) animal boarding through non profits that have working relationships with domestic violence shelters.
- The Mary Kay Foundation - While not specifically for pet-related assistance, the Mary Kay Foundation observes National Domestic Violence Awareness Month by awarding grants to women’s domestic violence shelters across the United States.
- PetSmart Charities of Canada - Grants to help with pet adoption; grants to keep families together and pets from being surrendered due to domestic violence, homelessness, medical emergency or military deployment; grants to help under-served communities with basic pet care; and many more.
- RedRover's Domestic Violence Safe Housing grants - Learn more about our grants that fund start-up costs for domestic violence shelters seeking create a program to allow families and pets to escape abuse together.
- Rescue Rebuild - GreaterGood.org's shelter renovation program that renovates domestic violence shelters to be able to accept animals.
- Banfield Foundation - Grants for animal organizations for veterinary medical equipment, funds and supplies for veterinary care clinics, and funds for disaster relief during disasters. Grants for domestic violence or animals organizations for veterinary care, temporary boarding, behavior training and funding of dedicated animal care positions in support of pets of domestic violence survivors.
The following resources may also be of assistance to your animal shelter or rescue group:
- The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Offers a comprehensive list of national domestic violence resources.
- The National Domestic Violence Hotline - A resource with local programs and state coalitions.
Other Resources
- Don't Forget the Pets - Provides training for domestic violence, homeless, and animal shelters to learn how to create and sustain pet housing programs.