Join RedRover in raising awareness of the link between domestic violence and animal abuse on social media:
Wear your #SafePlaceforPets apparel and join our photo contest! You will automatically be entered in a drawing for a RedRover canvas tote bag and a #SafePlaceforPets bandana for your pet. Winners will be announced November 3, 2015.

Follow RedRover on Twitter and Instagram
Use the hashtag #SafePlaceforPets
Use these sample tweets for prompts:
I believe in a #SafePlaceforPets because _______.
I wear my #SafePlaceforPets apparel because_____.
A #SafePlaceforPets means a safe place for human and animal victims of #domesticviolence.
I’m taking a stand and promoting @RedRoverOrg this #DVAM! #SafePlaceforPets
Other hashtags to follow and incorporate for Domestic Violence Awareness Month: 
#DVAM = Domestic Violence Awareness Month
#DVAM2015 = Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2015
#TakeaStand = creating a buzz about what individuals & organizations are doing during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. @RedRoverOrg will be using this to share the ways in which we help make the world a #SafePlaceforPets!
Spread the word!