August 29th, 2013
Ever wonder how RedRover is asked to provide emergency sheltering assistance?
Beth Gammie, Emergency Services Manager for RedRover Responders, describes the process for reporting animals who need our help.
“It is so important that RedRover Responders reach out to affected communities to let them know about the trained volunteers who can assist, free of charge, to care for animals in crisis,” said Beth Gammie. When Beth learns of a situation in which animals are in crisis, she reaches out to the local jurisdiction and discusses the help that RedRover Responders can offer. “Sometimes they just can’t believe we provide free sheltering assistance, and many times they are just blown away by the generosity of our volunteers.”
Often times, the responding agencies are overwhelmed by managing the crisis. Beth says that she hears that overwhelm in their voices. She often sends a detailed handout describing the sheltering assistance RedRover provides, as well as important contact information.Â
It is a promising sign of the growth of animal response teams that many disasters are managed locally, or at the state level, without having to request assistance from RedRover. For example, during the fire season, RedRover Responders staff reaches out to communities affected by wildfires. States such as Colorado, for example, have very strong local and state teams that are able to care for displaced animals with their local resources.
RedRover Responders volunteers are another great source to learn about situations threatening animals. Our wide network of volunteers, throughout all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada, are constantly in touch, reporting on situations in their areas that may require RedRover Responders assistance. When we are contacted in these cases, Beth or other RedRover Responders staff reach out and inquire about whether and how RedRover can help.
Through all of our efforts, communities know that RedRover Responders is there to help them help the animals animals in their community.
If you hear of a situation in which you think RedRover Responders may be of assistance, you can share our contact information, or contact RedRover directly at