March 5th, 2025
By Savannah Verdon, Development Manager –
Every stray dog has a story to tell – if you can catch them. Marianne knew that no act of kindness could be a waste of time and every life she saved would be worth the effort, even if it took months. Rescuing Ellie was its own reward.
“Ellie was a stray dog, wandering the streets with no place to call home. Her past has been a dark shadow, filled with unimaginable pain, suffering, abuse, and neglect that left her scarred both physically and emotionally. In piecing together her past through public records, it was discovered that her previous owners were arrested. We can only guess that they turned Ellie out to fend for herself.
“For two long years, Ellie lived in a wooded area, on the property of a nearby church not far away from where she used to live. The church members told me that she had been there for a couple of years. Afraid of everyone, no one could get close to her even though she was starving and just skin and bones. I would see Ellie daily, so I talked to her from a distance, leaving food and treats, all in an effort to get close to her. After several months of trying to capture her and slowly seeing her condition take a turn for the worse, I borrowed a large trap and was finally able to get her. The level of abuse and neglect Ellie had experienced was extensive. She was probably hit by a car, too. Her front right leg had been severely broken and had healed improperly on its own. She had been shot with both a gun and a BB gun, leaving shrapnel and pellets lodged in her body.”
To make matters worse, Ellie was suffering from a skin infection, ear infections, parasitic worms, fleas, and ticks. Luckily, Marianne worked for her local humane society and could start helping Ellie heal right away. She was looking better every day with vaccinations, dewormer, antibiotics, steroids, medicated shampoos, high quality food, and a lot of love. Marianne was beginning to see the sweet, beautiful dog who had been hiding under years of neglect. But while she may have found a safe, loving home, Ellie wasn’t out of the woods just yet.
Marianne took Ellie in for X-rays of her improperly healed leg to determine if there was anything that could be done, but in the meantime, she was prepared to manage her pain with medication and patience. Ellie’s teeth were more urgently concerning: the roots of her canine teeth were exposed, her top teeth were completely worn down, and several teeth had broken off and become embedded in her gums. The veterinarian speculated the condition of her teeth was a result of Ellie’s desperate attempts to escape from being locked in a kennel. They could hardly touch her teeth without causing her great pain. She was even reluctant to eat anything cold or warm at home, no matter how delicious Marianne made her meals. Getting Ellie the dental work she needed might be the most an important step in her healing.
Marianne’s employer didn’t perform dental extractions, and she would need to find an affordable rate to have at least 10 teeth removed as soon as possible. The trouble was that she often spent her own money to buy the supplies needed for the humane society not covered by their budget, and outside of work she was taking care of her aunt who was in poor health. Marianne would purchase all of her aunt’s food, medicine, home supplies, cleaning supplies, and the bills that she couldn’t afford on her limited income. She lived paycheck to paycheck and was trying her best to keep up with payments on old debts, but sometimes, Marianne’s heart gave more than her wallet could. Ellie already had her heart entirely.
“Ellie is now my emotional support animal, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. She is such a blessing to me. She helps me to be less stressed and anxious, and has been the key factor in improving my mental health. My aunt, who lost a dog a year ago, looks forward to having Ellie over to visit and I would say that it’s improving her mental health too.”
It could take Marianne anywhere from six months to a year to save the money for Ellie’s emergency dental work. After everything she had been through, and despite how resilient she proved to be with Marianne’s love, Ellie didn’t deserve to wait that long to not be in pain anymore. Inspired by the help her employer offered to families in need in their community, Marianne searched online for anything to help sweet Ellie and found the RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant program. In just four short weeks, Marianne had given Ellie all the love she should have had throughout her life. With just a little more love from one of the On-Call Angels in RedRover’s compassionate community, this stray dog’s story had begun another chapter.
“Through it all, Ellie’s heart was resilient and full of love. She never stopped loving and being kind, and she never gave up on life. Ellie now follows me around the house, her eyes full of gratitude, love, and trust. Today, for the first time, Ellie played with joy! It’s a sign that her spirit was healing along with her body. Despite the pain and abuse she endured, Ellie never lost her ability to love. Her personality is beautiful, loving, and she is the best dog I could ever wish for. Thank you for making such a profound difference in Ellie’s life and mine.”
Your support of RedRover makes a profound difference in the lives of countless families like Marianne and Ellie. Because of you, a veterinary emergency is never the end of the story. Thank you!