February 3rd, 2025
By Savannah Verdon, Development Manager –
Certainly, whoever abandoned the pregnant cat in a dumpster didn’t believe that someone would want her and her babies, let alone cherish them. Michelle climbed in to rescue the poor mama when she heard her cries beneath the many bags of trash. From cold and afraid to safe and warm, she gave birth to healthy kittens in Michelle’s home.
Bennie was one of the litter, a handsome little fella with his bright green eyes and tuxedo coat. She found loving homes for his siblings and their mom but she couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye to him too.
“Bennie is a beloved pet to me, no less than a child. I saved his mother, and his first breath was in my hands. He is my welcoming committee when I come home from military training and work. I am a new police officer, and he is a source of peace on a bad day. His antics and mischievous behavior are a guaranteed smile during the toughest of moments. Bennie is my meaning to smile and laugh and a reminder of love and goodness. He is my soul baby.”
He wasn’t the lone feline at home, though. From the very beginning, big brothers Loki and Liono were never far from their new little brother, intrigued by the sudden arrival of this ball of fluff. As life grew complicated, Michelle was more grateful than ever for the love of her three boys.
Michelle was newly single post-divorce, living in a new town, transitioning from a military career to a law enforcement career, and struggling financially under the weight of it all. It felt like walking a tightrope every day, hoping with each careful step that nothing would go awry until she was back on her feet. Until then, she had her savings, and she had her kitties.
Despite his inauspicious beginning of nearly being born in a dumpster, Bennie lived a great life in good health. He was two years old now and had never had as much as a tummy ache. But because of his anatomy as a male cat alone, he was vulnerable to urinary blockages. The first time he was blocked, Michelle was relieved that it was resolved with a quick trip to the veterinarian, where a catheter was inserted to help drain his bladder. The second time proved much more difficult.
He was blocked again one month after the first time, but his urethra had narrowed to the point that the veterinarian was unable to safely insert a catheter. They had instead resorted to draining his bladder via a syringe through his abdomen. As Bennie spent the first night of what would become a week-long stay in the emergency veterinary hospital, Michelle went home to Loki and Liono. They were a comfort, but they, like she, had no idea how she could afford the surgery the veterinarian was recommending to save Bennie’s life.
Her savings were dwindling by the hour while Bennie was hospitalized, but she would have to worry about that later. The veterinarian recommended she apply to the RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant program and by that point, she was “…seeking any Hail Mary to save his life and give him a fighting chance at life.” And like a prayer, her application was approved with help from an RedRover On-Call Angel.
Bennie’s surgery was underway quickly once her Urgent Care grant had been approved. Several seemingly interminable days later, Michelle picked her baby boy up from the hospital, eager to see him recover and get back to his antics and mischievous behavior – as was he, minus the cone.
“Bennie is doing great! He just got his stitches and cone off yesterday and he is tinkling like a champ. The vet and team said his surgery was textbook and he was the ‘goodest and sweetest’ during recovery. I’m just beyond smitten with my kitten having such a great turnaround. Thank you beyond any words that could be expressed in any language!”
Gracias, merci, danke, grazie, and thank you for helping families like Michelle and Bennie!