December 4th, 2018
Sunflower needed urgent dental care, and Rayna was “grateful beyond teeth” for a RedRover Relief grant that gave her the financial assistance they needed for Sunny to thrive. Here’s her story:
“I never wanted for anyone to know how difficult things had gotten for me. I wouldn’t ask for help even when I’m hurting, but watching my loyal and loving pet suffer is more than I could handle. Sunny and I met one day when I was walking on a bike path between the beach along the 101. He was tiny and filthy, he could barely walk from his matted fur… I bathed him and bathed him… and he slept snuggled and exhausted in a towel in my arms and never moved once til breakfast, then slept again till second breakfast. It’s fair to say that keeping Sunflower healthy has been the most important priority for me since that day. He has never had the spoiled life he deserves.
“Two years ago, a drunk driver hit our parked truck that slammed back into our motor home… We all had injuries, Sunny broke his first tooth from this. Now, he has four more totaling five teeth to be removed. I know the feeling. It is abscessed and he is suffering. The staff at Mercy Crusades in Oxnard, California recommended RedRover to me… The application was something that didn’t intimidate or cause me any feeling of indignity. Nancy was so much more than efficient, but extremely dedicated! Always treating us just as if she herself had Sunflower on her lap for a cuddle as he smiles his little smushy face smile.
“Sunny is my whole heart. RedRover and Sunflower have a lot in common – they are gifted at bringing joy and hope to the people and pets who need it so badly.”
– Sunflower and Rayna,
Recently, Rayna and Sunflower were passing through Sacramento, where the RedRover office is located, and stopped in to say “Thank you” in person.
RedRover staff Nicolette and Nancy with Sunflower and her mom, Rayna
Thank you for making stories like Sunny’s possible!