March 26th, 2011
Submitted by EARS volunteer Beth Gammie of Phoenix, Arizona
By Thursday, news of the massive animal rescue from deplorable hoarding conditions spread throughout St. Johns, Arizona and neighboring areas. Television news reports showed video of some of the dogs at the hoarding site, and informed the community of the joint rescue and sheltering efforts underway. The community responded.
At the shelter site, one man walked up to an EARS volunteer and offered the use of his pen to shelter the rescued geese. Today, a couple drove up to the shelter site and began unloading cases of soft drinks and loaves of banana bread for the volunteers. They were touched by the efforts of UAN and other partnering agencies to rescue the hundreds of dogs, cats and other animals from lifetimes of suffering. Not seeking any recognition or gratitude for their generosity, the couple quietly drove off after unloading their van. Such acts of kindness, coming from the heart, buoyed and touched volunteers and staff alike.
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Tyson, an Apache County employee, helped the volunteers move heavy fence panels. |
Tyson, an Apache County employee, labored mightily along with EARS volunteers to build kennels to house the dogs. To the eternal gratitude of every volunteer present, Tyson transported heavy kennel panels with a county forklift.
The rescue and sheltering effort also touched local businesses. UAN Emergency Services Manager Janell Matthies called Alta Sierra Veterinary Hospital, in Show Low, seeking care for some of the dogs in more critical condition. Staff at Alta Sierra heard of the rescue on the news; they were “thrilled” we were seeking their help and responded in a big way. That day they took three of the more critical dogs and provided veterinary care and boarding. Alta Vista generously is providing its services at a discounted rate and providing care and comfort to these and other animals in need. It didn’t stop there.
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Volunteer vet techs Elizabeth and Fran. |
Two of Alta Sierra’s vet techs, Elizabeth and Fran, volunteered their services for free. Today, they drove the 48 miles from Show Low to the shelter and assisted vets in examining and vaccinating dogs. Elizabeth explained, “When Janell called the clinic to see if we could take some animals, we jumped in to volunteer. It’s an opportunity to help the animals, and it’s why we’re in the field.” Elizabeth was impressed by EARS and its rescue effort. “It’s a great organization, and its great to see there are people out there to help animals in these situations.” When asked why she volunteered her vet tech services, Fran replied, “Animals are my soul.”
It’s clear that when UAN and its EARS volunteers go into a community to rescue animals in need, people are touched by the compassion of our mission, staff and volunteers. The fact that EARS volunteers come to a community simply to help suffering animals inspires others to get involved in the effort to aid animals in distress.