Life Insurance Policy Donation
A life insurance policy is usually an untapped and forgotten part of financial planning. Yet it is a simple way to ensure the continued support of RedRover.
There are many ways that your life insurance policy can benefit the animals we bring out of crisis.
Options to donate your policy
- You can name RedRover as a beneficiary in your current life insurance policy.
- You can donate your paid-up policy directly to RedRover.
- You can start a new policy, making RedRover the owner and beneficiary.
Benefits for you:
- It does not affect you financially during your lifetime.
- There are potential income tax deductions if you transfer the policy to RedRover.
- Estate taxes can be reduced if you name RedRover as the beneficiary.
Thank you for considering making RedRover a beneficiary in your life insurance policy. Your gift will help make the future a better place for animals!
Your planning will help make the future a better place for animals! Please let us know your plans so we can thank you and ensure your wishes are met. Please contact Erin Bialecki at 800.440.3277, ext. 313, email ebialecki@redrover.org or send your planned giving intentions to RedRover, Attn: Director of Development and Communications, P.O. Box 188890, Sacramento, CA 95818. Letting us know about your intentions also makes you a very special Legacy Partner.