Bequests for Will or Trust
Bequests are the most common types of planned gifts RedRover receives. Bequests are simple to implement and easy to change. You maintain the use, benefit, enjoyment, and control of your assets for as long as you need them, for as long as you live.
You can include a bequest provision in your will or living trust that specifies an amount or percentage of your estate that you wish for RedRover to receive.
Our partnership with FreeWill guides you through the process of writing or updating a legally valid will, and including a planned gift to RedRover, in just 20 minutes.
- It does not affect you financially during your lifetime.
- You may make adjustments to your will or trust if circumstances change.
- Your loved ones will not be overlooked because you can specify the amount given to each party.
- A charitable bequest or trust distribution is deductible for federal estate tax purposes. There is no limit on the deduction your estate can claim. The gift may also be exempt from state inheritance taxes.
Thank you for considering including RedRover in your will or estate plan. Your planning will help make the future a better place for animals! If you have already included a gift to RedRover in your will, please let us know your plans by filling out this form so we can thank you and update our records.
If you have any questions please contact Erin Bialecki at 800.440.3277, ext. 313, email ebialecki@redrover.org or send your planned giving intentions to:
Attn: Director of Development and Communications
P.O. Box 188890
Sacramento, CA 95818
Letting us know about your intentions also makes you a very special Legacy Partner.
We encourage you to also consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.