Safe Place for Pets has moved!

Information on pet programs for domestic violence survivors is available through the two organizations listed below.

Find animal organizations that provide boarding or fostering for pets, as well as domestic violence shelters that offer a pet program.

If you think you are experiencing abuse or violence in a relationship and need assistance, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.7233​.

  • RedRover’s Safe Escape grants offer timely financial support to enable survivors and their pets to leave abusive homes. Grants are available on a case-by-case basis throughout the United States and may be used to pay for emergency boarding and veterinary care. For safety reasons, applications must be submitted online by a case worker or domestic violence shelter representative.
  • RedRover’s Safe Housing grants fund start-up costs for domestic violence shelters seeking to house pets on-site. Grants, up to $60,000, are offered on a one-time basis throughout the United States.
  • offers in-depth information on how and why to create a pet program, as well as training and coaching opportunities through RedRover and Rescue Rebuild. We highly recommend taking this training before applying for a Safe Housing grant.

Need additional domestic violence assistance?

Visit RedRover’s resource page for other sources of grant funding for DV shelters and resources for DV survivors.