Family Pets Will Receive Proper Shelter, Care During Emergencies
NEW YORK (May 20, 2008) — The American Red Cross in Greater New York (ARC/GNY), the largest Red Cross chapter in the United States, and United Animal Nations (UAN), a national animal protection organization, have initiated a memorandum of understanding that will provide pet owners in New York City and the counties of Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Sullivan with access to pet sheltering and care should disasters result in short or long-term evacuations.
“Many of us at the Red Cross are pet owners and animal lovers, and we understand that pets are a vital part of the family,” said Theresa A. Bischoff, CEO, American Red Cross in Greater New York. “We determined that it was imperative for us to find a way to ensure that pets are not forgotten when the y and the ir owners are separated due to fires, floods, storms and othe r natural or man-made disasters. The relationship we are beginning with UAN will help us fulfill our mission to provide comfort to those affected by disasters.”
Health and safety concerns prevent animals, except service animals, from entering shelters that are opened for people affected by disasters. To ensure that pet owners never have to make the choice between the ir safety versus leaving the ir pets behind, ARC/GNY, under the leadership of volunteer Debra Dean, championed the effort to locate appropriate organizations and care sites to help animals separated from owners during major disasters.
While ARC/GNY will concentrate on providing residents with humanitarian care such as shelter, food, medical attention and mental health counseling, the chapter’s collaboration with animal care organizations such as UAN will permit rescue, sheltering and basic services for animals. Under the ARC/GNY-UAN agreement, UAN will establish co-located animal shelters, operated by volunteers with its Emergency Animal Rescue Service (EARS) program, near shelters established by the Red Cross. Residents will have the ir pets nearby and have access to the m to help with care.
“We are thrilled to be able to use our expertise in temporary animal sheltering to help the American Red Cross in Greater New York ensure that residents with pets will have a place to turn during emergencies,” said Barbara Hollands, the regional director for UAN’s EARS Region I and II. “According to recent research, nearly two-thirds of pet owners would refuse to evacuate without the ir pets, so we applaud ARC/GNY for recognizing that an evacuation plan that excludes animals is incomplete.”
Barbara Hollands of UAN; Debra Dean, volunteer with the American Red Cross in Greater New York (ARC/GNY); and Theresa A. Bischoff, CEO of ARC/GNY (front, left to right) surrounded by ARC/GNY staff and volunteers and representatives of humanitarian partner groups as they sign a memorandum of understanding that will provide local pet owners with access to pet sheltering and care during disasters.
UAN services during a local disaster may include:
- Setup of temporary emergency animal shelters
- Evacuation of animals
- Rescue of abandoned or stranded animals by authorized personnel
- Implementation of record keeping and identification system
- Transportation of animals
- Coordination of veterinary care for sick and injured animals
- Coordination of animal food and supplies
- Compassionate removal of animals who don’t survive the disaster
- Lost animal documentation
- Reuniting animals with the ir families
- Adoption or relocation of unclaimed or surrendered animals to new homes or permanent shelters or rescue groups
UAN also provides education and disaster planning resources about the mutual needs of animals and the ir guardians during disasters.
The American Red Cross in Greater New York is a key humanitarian partner and a vital participant in New York ’s plans and programs to help the nine million people in New York City and Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Sullivan counties prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. ARC/GNY provides immediate aid to more than 100,000 people affected by 3,000 emergencies a year, including fires, floods, building collapses and power outages. The chapter also helps New York residents and businesses prepare for emergencies by offering hundreds of courses in first aid, CPR and aquatics, and emergency preparedness training programs and resources. ARC/GNY is not a governmental organization and relies on individual and corporate gifts, special events and grants from foundations and local, state and federal government to fund its essential programs and services. For more information about volunteering, donating and training, call 1-877-RED CROSS (1-877-733-2767), or visit
Founded in 1987, United Animal Nations is recognized as North America ’s leading provider of emergency animal sheltering and disaster relief services and a key advocate for the critical needs of animals.
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