Charitable Gift Annuities
RedRover does not have the means to navigate charitable gift annuities so we have partnered with CGA America who manages these transactions for us.
A charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a contract between you and RedRover, where you transfer cash or other assets to CGA America and designate RedRover as the beneficiary. CGA America then pays you an annuity based on the agreed upon terms of the contract.
How do charitable gift annuities work?
First, you make a donation to a RedRover through CGA America. Then, the gift is set aside in a reserve account and invested. Based on your age(s) at the time of the gift, you will receive a fixed monthly or quarterly payout (typically supported by the investment account) for the rest of your life. At the end of your life (as well as your spouse’s, if you’re giving as a couple), RedRover will receive the remainder of the gift.
Thank you for considering making RedRover a beneficiary for your charitable gift annuity. Your gift will help make the future a better place for animals!
- Income stream for the rest of your life.
- Immediate (partial) tax deduction, based on your life expectancy and the anticipated income stream.
- Potential for a portion of the income stream to be tax-free.
- Possibility of donating many types of assets: cash, securities plus personal property.
- Reduced or eliminated capital gains tax liability for gifts of appreciated securities and personal property.
- Supporting RedRover’s mission of bringing animals from crisis to care.
For more information, please contact Tom Dieters at CGA America at tdieters@cgaamerica.org.
Please let us know your plans so we can thank you and ensure your wishes are met. Please contact Erin Bialecki at 800.440.3277, ext. 313, email ebialecki@redrover.org or send your planned giving intentions to RedRover, Attn: Director of Development and Communications, P.O. Box 188890, Sacramento, CA 95818. Letting us know about your intentions also makes you a very special Legacy Partner.