domestic violence

Four Domestic Violence Shelters to Build First Onsite Housing for Survivors’ Pets

Sacramento, CA (August 11, 2022) – RedRover has awarded $336,005.80 in Safe Housing grant funds in their latest grant cycle to five domestic violence shelters and four animal shelters. RedRover’s Safe Housing grants enable domestic violence shelters to create on- and off-site space to house pets and allows animal shelters to build dedicated housing for animal victims of abuse. Four of the grants are RedRover + Purina Purple Leash Project grants, an extension of RedRover’s Safe Housing grants. These four grants will enable domestic violence shelters to build onsite pet housing for the FIRST time!

RedRover President and CEO Nicole Forsyth said, “We’re thrilled to award nine grants this grant cycle, including four RedRover + Purina Purple Leash Project grants that enable domestic violence shelters to build their first onsite housing for pets! With each new pet housing build, we can ensure more survivors and their pets can escape abuse together and begin their healing journey.”

The need for more pet-friendly spaces is undeniable. Currently, only about 15% of domestic violence shelters in the nation are able to house survivors’ pets. Through the Purple Leash Project, RedRover and Purina’s goal is to ensure that at least 25% of domestic violence shelters are pet-friendly by 2025.

NEW pet-friendly Purple Leash Project domestic shelter grantees:

  • Monarch Services – Servicios Monarca (Santa Cruz County, CA) will receive $33,400 to become pet-friendly. The grant will cover building pet play yards, providing pet supplies, and covering veterinary costs.
  • Women’s Resource Center (Newport County, RI) will receive $40,000 to become pet-friendly. The grant will cover creating new dog play areas, a catio, and fence installation.
  • Seminole County Victims’ Rights Coalition, Inc. (Seminole County, FL) will receive $19,450 to become pet-friendly. The grant will fund the creation of new pet-friendly suites, outdoor dog play area, installing an enhanced security system, and supplies.
  • Finding Grace Ministries (Jefferson County, MO) will receive a $60,000 grant to become pet-friendly. The grant will cover the creation of NEW on-site outdoor runs/play yards…

Expanding pet-friendly domestic violence shelter grantee:

  •  DOVES of Big Bear Valley, Inc. (San Bernardino County, CA) will receive $20,000 to expand their dog runs and create dog-friendly rooms and indoor cat enclosures.

Safe Housing animal shelter grantees:

  •  Big Sky Ranch/Big Sky Cares (St. Tammany Parish, LA) will receive $24,754.80 to add multiple dog runs, catios, and portable catios.
  • Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering (Salt Lake County, UT) will receive $45,178 to expand their dog runs and cover veterinary costs.
  • Furry Friends Rockin Rescue (Burleigh County, ND) will receive $57,923 to create dog and cat condos, install fencing and a security system, and create a visitation room.
  • Pigtopia (Shelby County, TN) will receive $34,300 to build secure fencing, cover veterinary costs and supplies, and fund pet deposits.

“We are excited RedRover + Purina’s Purple Leash Project grant will enable us to welcome pets to our shelter because we know it eliminates one more barrier for survivors in our community escaping abusive situations,” said Jessica Walsh, executive director at Women’s Resource Center.

According to research conducted by Dr. Frank Ascione, as many as 71 percent of pet-owning women entering domestic violence shelters report their abuser injured, killed, or threatened family pets for revenge or psychological control. Additionally, up to 48 percent of domestic violence victims reported delaying leaving their abusers because they feared what would happen to their pets if they had to leave them behind.

 “This very generous RedRover grant will allow our organization to provide much needed care and services to pet families experiencing domestic violence,” said Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering Executive Director Kristina Pulsipher. “The grant will allow us to provide preventative medical care, add several large kennels for dogs, and serve more community members seeking to leave their abusive situations.”

Safe Housing grants are available at a maximum of $60,000 and can be used to build or renovate spaces dedicated to housing survivors’ pets, create a foster program to care for survivors’ pets, pay for temporary boarding for survivors’ pets, or a combination of services that will best serve the community. Grant funds may also be used for routine veterinary care, emergency veterinary care, and pet deposits.

Safe Housing grant application deadlines are March 1, June 1, and September 1. To learn more, visit:


About RedRover

Since 1987, RedRover has focused on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance, and education. Since 2012, RedRover has awarded 176 grants to shelters in 46 states, totaling more than $2.6 million and providing more than 418,700 safe nights for pets. Additionally, Safe Housing grants have created the first pet-friendly domestic violence shelter in ten states!  RedRover has earned a coveted 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. To learn how RedRover is creating a more compassionate world, visit

About Purina

Nestlé Purina PetCare creates richer lives for pets and the people who love them. Founded in 1894, Purina has helped dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives by offering scientifically based nutritional innovations. Purina manufactures some of the world’s most trusted and popular pet care products, including Purina ONE, Pro Plan, Fancy Feast and Tidy Cats. Our more than 8,700 U.S. associates take pride in our trusted pet food, treat and litter brands that feed 51 million dogs and 65 million cats every year. More than 500 Purina scientists, veterinarians, and pet care experts ensure our commitment to unsurpassed quality and nutrition.

Purina promotes responsible pet care through our scientific research, our products and our support for pet-related organizations. Over the past five years, Purina has contributed more than $150 million towards organizations that bring, and keep, people and pets together, as well as those that help our communities and environment thrive.

Purina is part of Nestlé, a global leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness. For more information, visit or subscribe here to get the latest Purina news.

Contact: Sheri Madsen

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