March 6th, 2025
By Katie Campbell, President and CEO
Since its inception in 2019, we’ve provided 37 Don’t Forget the Pets (DFTP) workshops virtually and in locations across the U.S. with our partners from Greater Good Charities’ Rescue Rebuild program. We’ve been to Portland, Oregon to San Diego, California, to Tallahassee, Florida, to Lewiston, Maine – and lots of places in between!
And I’m especially excited for our workshop next month in St. Louis, Missouri with our Purple Leash Project partner, Purina. As always, we’ll welcome in representatives from human services (domestic violence and homelessness), animal services, the veterinary community, and anyone else interested in supporting people in crisis and their pets. We’ll discuss why pet housing programs are important and the basics of how to do it – from building collaborative relationships to program design to fundraising. But the most important part – and my favorite part! – of these FREE training workshops is getting representatives from different fields into the same room to start talking with each other: the first step in building those collaborative relationships.
There’s no doubt that Purina puts the “P” in partnership! Not only do they provide financial support for our Safe Housing grants, but they also walk this journey with us Hosting this DFTP workshop is a purrfect example of the support they provide to our team as we help guide organizations along this journey of creating a pet housing program!