October 9th, 2019
The bond between pets and their people is unbreakable, but the lack of pet-friendly housing options for domestic violence victims often leaves them with a heartbreaking decision – endure abuse in order to stay with their beloved pet, or leave their pet behind.
RedRover offers financial assistance for victims of domestic violence and their pets through our RedRover Relief program. Our Safe Escape grants pay for temporary boarding to enable domestic violence victims to remove their pets to safety. The immediate and long-term impacts of this program are undeniable: Survivors tell us that knowing their pet was safe gave them peace of mind and allowed them to focus on their goals while they worked toward building a new life.
Here are a few accounts from domestic violence shelter advocates and the people we helped:
“While I was actively working with my client, she shared with me multiple times what a difference it made in her situation that she was able to focus on herself & her safety knowing that her fur babies were safe and cared for. My client was able to visit her cats and did some volunteer work at the place where her cats where so that she could be close to them and feel like she was helping to care for them.”
“Having access to financial help boarding her animal allowed safe housing for the animal who is very important to our client and her son. This allowed her to focus on finding safe long term housing for her, her child and the animal.”
“It meant the world! The Humane Society found the nicest woman to take care of our babies while we were looking for housing. We are so thankful this was available to us. Thank you soo much!”
“It took a burden off of me that my dog had a safe place to stay and I didn’t have to put my dog up for adoption.”
“[The client] was soooooo glad to get that kitty out of the abusive situation. It gave her a sense of relief. It made it even better when she was able to save up her money and find an apartment that would take her and her cat. I had taken her to get her cat from the kennel and her face lit up with joy to get him and take him to his new home with her.”
“The client’s children had a lot of uncontrollable changes in the past month. Keeping their pets gave them something to look forward to when they were placed in shelter and looking for a new home. They were very excited to move back in with their dogs.”
Find out how you can get involved during Domestic Violence Awareness Month at RedRover.org/DVAM.