February 16th, 2016
Christian and Amber work part time to put themselves through college and support their three cats, who are cherished members of the family. Their cats are closely bonded and usually spend the days napping together and grooming each other.
When the youngest cat, Onyx, began to distance herself from the others and stopped eating, Christian knew something was wrong. He took Onyx to the veterinary clinic where it was confirmed that she had ingested a foreign object that was now causing a life-threatening blockage in her intestines. Onyx needed emergency surgery, but Christian and Amber did not have the total funds needed for the expensive procedure. They heard about the RedRover Relief program through their local humane society and immediately submitted an application for financial assistance. In less than 24 hours, we provided a RedRover Relief grant towards the surgery cost, and Onyx was able to get the lifesaving treatment she needed.
Christian emailed us an update a week later, saying Onyx was back to her normal self, eating, purring, and of course playing with the other cats! Your support of RedRover saved Onyx’s life. Thank you!