June 18th, 2015
Trapped in Paradise will commence on Maui, Hawaii, in June 2015. RedRover Responders volunteers will deploy to the island to assist our partners at Animal Balance, in conjunction with the Maui Humane Society and local organizations. We need your support to provide the shelter, love and medical attention for up to 600 cats!
Together with our partners we will identify 5 very large cat colonies where we will systematically trap and then sterilize (spay or neuter) the cats over a 10-day period. Our trained RedRover Responders volunteers will provide the loving care and shelter that these animals need. A $17 donation from 600 donors will enable us to reach our goal of sterilizing 600 cats!
As this program evolves Animal Balance expects to expand to other islands in the Hawaiian chain and beyond. With your help, we can create an efficient and humane program to reduce free-roaming cat populations that will build harmony between cats, people and native animals on the island of Maui for generations to come. Funds raised beyond our needs for this event will support RedRover’s lifesaving animal programs.