June 28th, 2013
Devin is guardian to a very loved cat called Mr. Kitty. Devin and Mr. Kitty are the best of pals and recently moved halfway across the country together! But when Mr. Kitty was diagnosed with a blocked bladder due to a bladder stone, Devin wasn’t sure where to turn: They were far, far away from Mr. Kitty’s previous veterinarian, and Devin needed help to pay for the urgent treatment Mr. Kitty needed. In Devin’s words, “Getting treatment for Mr. Kitty is not an option to me – it must be done.” His veterinarian of course agreed and encouraged Devin to apply for a RedRover Relief grant. With a RedRover Relief grant for financial assistance in place, Mr. Kitty was able to have surgery to treat his blocked bladder and has made a full recovery.