Page 3 - Kind News magazine, November/December 2020
P. 3


        ALL                                                                         Share your story at
                                                                                      Have a story of how
                                                                                    you’ve helped animals?
                                                                                     We’d love to hear it!
        CREATURES                                                                   shareyourstory.

        GREAT                                     AND SMALL:

        AROUND THE                                    NZINZI!

        WORLD WITH
     opposite page, from top: redrover; raja app images: bryan huff. this page, redrover.

        Nzinzi (pronounced “in-ZIN-zee”) is an                                  and found her a new home.
        11-year-old who loves drawing anime,                                    She also camped at a
        writing stories, and making music. She also                             wildlife preserve, a place
        helps animals all around the world! In fourth                           that protects nature and
        grade, Nzinzi started a club at her school in                           endangered animals. While
        Pennsylvania called "A.R.C.," the Animal                                she and her family were
        Rights Club. They helped create toys and                                sleeping, a huge hippopot-
        blankets for dogs, cats, and rabbits who live                           amus walked by, eating
        in local animal shelters. They created posters                          grass right next to the
        to hang in the school hallways, encouraging                             tent! She also held Joan,
        classmates to adopt animals. The club also                              a rescued African Rock
        raised several hundred dollars for shelters       Python, the biggest type of snake in Africa.
        by selling things like handmade bracelets.          Nzinzi is passionate about helping animals and
                                                          the environment. She says, “People should think
        Nzinzi recently traveled to a country in Africa    more about what is happening to the world and
        called Zambia to visit family. While in Zambia,    animals. I think we all should treat animals and
        Nzinzi took care of an abandoned kitten. She named   nature with respect.” Nzinzi believes kids can
        the kitten Mutima, a Nyanja word that means “heart,”   make a difference by spending more time in nature,
                                                          adopting pets from the shelter, and standing up for
        Nyanja is one of seven official languages of Zambia.  animals whenever they can.

                                WHAT DOES A FISH SAY AFTER SHARING A NEW IDEA?
                  RIDDLE RAT!   (answer on p. 7)                                              Nov/Dec 2020 | 3
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