Page 8 - Kind News magazine, November/December 2020
P. 8
To the after
Madame Turkey needed medical
care to treat her injuries. before
Meet “Madame Turkey” Kind Questions
One day a man saw a badly injured acting like a normal turkey. When Now that you've read
turkey on the side of the road. He it was almost time to release her Kind News, challenge
knew the turkey needed help, so back into the wild, her cage was yourself with these
he brought her to the Wildlife placed outside on the Wildlife Care questions.
Care Association in Sacramento, Association’s property where other 1. After reading Pet Corner,
California. Every day, volunteers flocks of wild turkeys roamed. how would you describe
treated her wounds — she had Some turkeys noticed her and went the bond that the kids in
scrapes, road rash, and a few up to her cage to communicate. the article have with their
broken bones in her wings. They Madame’s release day was pets? How do you think
being together affects a
got to know her and called her very special for the Wildlife Care bond between a human and
Madame Turkey, because she Association. She had been there a pet, or a bond between
needed a lot of care and attention. for 93 days, and they were excited two humans? Can being far
When Madame got stronger, to release her back into the wild. apart ever help people, or
she was grumpy when anyone She was even accepted by the people and animals, become
entered her cage. Volunteer wild flock! Volunteers and staff closer? Why or why not?
Coordinator Yenifer said, “She was members at the Wildlife Care 2. After reading “People step
telling us she was ready to go.” Association still see her roam up to help animals during
Staff members were happy to see the property with her new family, the pandemic,” re-read the
that she was scared of humans always reminding them that they ideas on what you can do to
because it meant that she was helped save a life. help animal shelters. Are
there any ideas you would
like to try and if so, which
ones? What other ideas do cover: redrover; this page: redrover.
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© redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be edited
for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized by charitable
donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available as a single-copy home
subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.