Page 3 - Kind News, March/April 2021
P. 3


                  Have you helped
                animals in some way?
               We’d love to hear about it!
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      opposite page, from top: (pet corner) famveldman/bigstock; redrover; ricky kharawala/unsplash; redrover; raja app images: bryan huff. this page: redrover.



                                     KITTEN KID

                                     Lillian Barden (they/them) was 12 years old when they clicked on a video of
                                     the famous “Kitten Lady,” Hannah Shaw. The Kitten Lady was rescuing two
                                     kittens. They had become separated from their mother and needed a foster
                                     caregiver. A kitten foster caregiver is someone who takes care of kittens until
                                     they can eat on their own.
         “I thought, ‘Wow, that looks super awesome,’”      to be adopted. But it is also the most rewarding,
         says Lillian, “because I want to rescue cats.”  Lillian   because they know that they help them get to
         became a foster caregiver volunteer for Dakin      their forever homes. Lillian, who is now 14 years
         Humane Society in Springfield, Massachusetts. They   old, has cared for 38 kittens!
         need their parents’ support, but Lillian does the    Lillian’s advice to others who want to help
         day-to-day tasks. They keep each litter of kittens in   kittens? They say, “Fostering is a great thing to
         their bedroom where they feed them with a          do if you have the time and the space,” such as a
         syringe. A syringe is a tube with a nozzle for slowly   room or playpen. “You need to feed them, clean
         pushing formula into the animals’ tiny mouths. At   their litter boxes, and play with them before and
         first they need to feed them every four hours. That   after school.” If you don’t have that space and
         means they need to wake up in the middle of the    time, you can still help! Lillian suggests, “Another
         night!                                             good way is setting up fundraisers or food drives
           The hardest part of Lillian's work is bringing the    for the animals.”
         kittens back to the shelter when they’re old enough

                                HOW CAN A LEOPARD CHANGE ITS SPOTS?                            Mar/Apr 2021 | 3
                  RIDDLE RAT!   (answer on p. 7)
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